Mass Cytometry

Single-cell mass Cytometry

We are developing mass cytometry (also named, CyTOF) technique for single-cell analysis. CyTOF is a mass spectrometry technique based on inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry combined with mass tags that allows accurate measuring of various molecular species on single cells in a highly multiple fashion.

Multiplexed Ion Beam Imaging

Tissue in situ high through mass spectrum imaging

Our lab is amongst the world's most advanced laboratories for mass spectrometry imaging. With estate of the art equipment and a highly experienced staff, we are developing enabling technology with unique ability to acquire cellular and molecularly specific images and to provide multiplexed information.

Multiplexed Ion Beam Imaging

Large-scale drug combination optimization

We are interested in developing enabling techniques to facilitate the optimization of large-scale drug candidates for potent therapy. The techniques we are working on include Feedback System Control (FSC), Parabolic Response Surface(PRS) and Compressive Sensing.

Phospho Flow

Portable bio-sensors for disease diagnosis

We are developing portable bio-sensors with microfluidics, bio-electrochemistry, hydrogel and surface modification skills for point-of care technologies (POCT). We have independent clean room, which is fully capable for regular micromachining process such as photolithography and 3D mold printing.


What we do

Our group is interested in developing enabling technologies to facilitate disease diagnostics and control with trace amount of clinical samples. The major technologies developed in our lab include single-cell Mass Cytometry (CyTOF), tissue in situ single cell high-throughput target analysis (mass spectrum imaging), single-cell Western Blot, Feedback System Control (FSC) for rapid combinatorial drug development, Artificial Intelligence guided large-scale drug-drug integration analysis (AI-Medicine), microfluidic devices for rare patient sample handling, BioMEMS and Biosensors for disease early diagnostics.



Professor Xianting Ding


Single Cell Handing; CyTOF; Mass Spectrum Imaging; Microfluidics; Personalized/Precision Medicine

Deputy Director, Institute for Personalized Medicine; Professor, School of Biomedical Engineering; Editorial Board Member, Scientific Reports and SLAS Technology(JALA)

Professor Chih-Ming Ho


Bio-nano Technology; Micro/Nano Fluidics; Turbulence; Bio-Complex System Control

Distinguished Professor, School of Engineering, UCLA; Director, Institute for Personalized Medicine; Member, National Academy of Engineering; Member, Academia Sinica; Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics; Fellow, American Physical Society

Quick Contact

For procedural questions regarding human resources, international affairs, or directions to the lab, please contact:
Tel: +86-021-62932274
Fax: +86-021-62932302